Thursday, March 27, 2025
Authors Posts by RESO

The mission of the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) is to create and promote the adoption of standards that drive efficiency throughout the real estate industry. RESO incorporated in November 2011, as an independent, not-for-profit trade organization that was previously a section of the National Association of REALTORS®. The RESO has more than 500 active members, including NAR, multiple-listing services, real estate associations, brokerages and industry technology providers

Phone: 919.459.6097

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Business Real Estate Press Releases

Recent Gov & Nonprofit Real Estate Press Releases

New government taskforce to unlock public land for housing

Housing is in the headlines again this morning, as the government announces a new task force to unlock thousands of new homes on surplus public land. The new partnership approach will explore new delivery models, establish collaborative agreements between the Ministry of Defence, Homes England, Network Rail and other government bodies