Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Authors Posts by ASE

The Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) is a coalition of prominent business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit consumers, the environment, economy, and national security.


Ronnie Kweller
(202) 530-2203(O)
or 202-857-0666

Senate Votes 84-3 to Move to Conference with the House on Comprehensive Energy Legislation

“Congress continues its march toward enactment of the first comprehensive energy legislation in almost a decade with today’s overwhelming 84-3 Senate vote to name conferees and move to conference with the House. With the announced agreement to set aside provisions that have garnered a veto threat from the White House, I am optimistic that any final version of the bill emerging from Congress will have as a centerpiece the impactful and important energy efficiency provisions in Title 1 of the Senate version of the bill.

Energy Secretary Moniz’s Energy Efficiency Legacy Celebrated With Prestigious Award

Lockheed Martin, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), Staples, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), View, Inc. and Guy Van Syckle Join Moniz as Winners of the Alliance to Save Energy’s 24thAnnual Star of Energy Efficiency Awards

Doubling Down On Energy Efficiency: The Senate Moves Authorization And Appropriations Bills That Will...

“The Senate has doubled down on energy efficiency, first with overwhelming bipartisan passage of the comprehensive energy bill — which boasts energy efficiency policies as a cornerstone— and then today with passage of the Energy and Water (E&W) appropriations bill that providessignificant funding for critical energy efficiency programs administered by the U.S. Department of Energy,” said Alliance to Save Energy Director of Government Relations Daniel Bresette.

Game-Changing Report Launch — Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts: The Case For...

There is growing consensus in the buildings industry that focusing on building systems—a combination of equipment, controls, operations and interconnections—will become increasingly necessary to achieve future meaningful and cost-effective energy savings in buildings. The Alliance to Save Energy and its partners released theSystems Efficiency Initiative (SEI) Year 1 Report at the 2016 EE Global Forum in Washington, D.C.

International Business, Policy And Opinion Leaders Converge At The EE Global Forum In Washington,...

Today the Alliance to Save Energy’s (Alliance) 9th annual Energy Efficiency Global Forum (EE Global) opened, welcoming nearly 500 international delegates from the business, government and nonprofit sectors to Washington, D.C. for the world’s premiere, invitation-only forum dedicated to energy efficiency

Alliance To Save Energy Joins White House Initiative To Incorporate Resilience Into Building Energy...

Today, the Alliance to Save Energy joined over 30 organizations and agencies in a series of commitments aimed at strengthening the U.S. building sector by pledging to promote resilience in the built environment through our work promoting the development and adoption of building energy codes. Building energy codes increase energy productivity, and reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to unprecedented and unpredictable climate trends and extreme weather events.

Senate Takes A Significant Step Toward A Modern Energy Economy

Today’s overwhelming passage by the U.S. Senate of S. 2012, the Energy Policy Modernization Act, by a tally of 85-12 represents a significant step forward on the path toward a modernized energy economy. The Alliance to Save Energy applauds the widespread benefits this bill’s energy efficiency provisions will result in: more American jobs, enhanced national security and an improved environment. Today’s positive step sends a strong bipartisan message that will help this bill safely to the finish line and across President Obama’s desk

Recognizing Energy Industry Champions: Ushering in a New Era of Leadership

The Alliance to Save Energy is proud to jointly announce the recipients of the 2016 Unsung Hero Awardsand the confirmation of four new additions to our Board of Directors, mutually marking the continuing strength of diverse energy efficiency leadership. These energy efficiency trailblazers are collectively providing indispensable guidance for the energy efficiency industry, and deserve recognition for their efforts in helping transition the U.S. to a modern energy economy.

Electricity Markets Will Continue To Evolve, Despite Supreme Court Ruling To Stay Clean Power...

"Yesterday the Supreme Court decided narrowly in a 5-4 vote to stay the Clean Power Plan while the DC Circuit Court reviews the merits of the legal challenges opposing the rule. While it is unfortunate to see a legal "pause" button pushed for states already underway with their planning processes, it is important to recognize that this in no way reflects a final decision on the merits or legality of the Clean Power Plan.

President Obama’s FY 2017 Budget Highlights Role Of Clean Energy And Energy Efficiency For...

“President Obama’s last budget continues the solid and stalwart support for investing in a clean and efficient energy future that we have seen throughout his administration. The administration’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2017 once again calls for significant increases in funding for energy efficiency and new initiatives that will improve our energy productivity and increase the competitiveness of our economy.

Supreme Court Delivers Big Win For Energy Efficiency

The United States Supreme Court issued an order Monday that will have far-reaching and positive impacts on the modernization of U.S. energy markets. The Supreme Court found that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) had the authority to regulate demand response programs under the Federal Power Act (FPA), and “engaged in reasoned decision-making” when setting the wholesale rate for demand response compensation.

Historic Energy Efficiency Standards Announced By DOE Will Deliver Massive Energy And Dollar Savings

“DOE continues its aggressive and focused campaign to save businesses and consumers money on their energy bills with the announcement of new energy efficiency standards for commercial air conditioners and furnaces. The energy and dollar savings from these latest standards are more than double that of any standard that has been issued to date.

Clean Power Plan Published In Federal Register

The Alliance to Save Energy welcomes the publication in today’s Federal Register of the final rule of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan (CPP). This is one more significant and positive step toward reducing pollution from electric power plants, all while creating billions of dollars in economic benefits and maintaining a reliable and resilient grid. When the plan is fully implemented in 2030, EPA expects carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the power sector to decline 32 percent relative to 2005 levels.

House Energy Committee Needs To Take The Energy Efficiency Path Back To Bi-Partisanship

The Alliance to Save Energy opposes House passage of H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act, as reported today by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on a largely partisan vote of 32 - 20. While there are provisions included in the bill that would advance energy efficiency to the benefit of consumers and businesses across the country, these represent small gains when considered alongside other provisions of the package that would significantly

Prize-winning Methodology for Evaluating CO2 Benefits of “Green” Investments Applied to Hannon Armstrong’s Latest...

“The Alliance to Save Energy is proud to announce that its innovative CarbonCount™ methodology is now fully operational, having been used to certify the carbon reductions of a $118.6 million “green” bonds offering completed today by Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (NYSE: HASI). With this step, CarbonCount™ transitions from a heralded concept to a real-world tool that provides investors with a quantitative measure of projected carbon impacts for each investment dollar.

23rd Annual Evening With The Stars Of Energy Efficiency Awards Dinner Highlights Achievements Of...

The Alliance to Save Energy is proud to host the 23rd annual Evening with the Stars of Energy Efficiency Awards Dinner at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C. This year’s Awards Dinner, affectionately referred to as the ‘Energy Prom’, welcomes 400 key players and influencers within the energy efficiency field to gather and celebrate the achievements of individuals, companies and policymakers

Roadmap Unveiled To Double Energy Productivity By 2030, Provides Strategies To Improve Economy And...

“The Alliance is proud to co-host today’s historic Accelerate Energy Productivity 2030 Summit, where Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz is unveiling Accelerate Energy Productivity 2030: A Strategic Roadmap for American Energy Innovation, Economic Growth, and Competitiveness (Roadmap). This is an important national resource that points the way to a doubling of U.S. energy productivity by 2030.

Energy Efficiency Plays Key Role In Achieving Modern American Energy Economy Through EPA’s Clean...

“Through its fundamental commitment to flexibility, local choice, and cost-effectiveness, the Clean Power Plan sets the stage for a market-based transformation of the U.S. power sector that promises to help secure the nation’s prosperity for decades to come. In this competition of technologies and ideas as well as dollars and cents, energy efficiency has a remarkable opportunity to demonstrate its superior value proposition as the cheapest, cleanest, quickest, and most reliable way to reduce CO2 emissions and tackle climate change

Senate Energy Committee Action On Energy Efficiency Somewhat Schizophrenic

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved two bills that include provisions to advance energy efficiency in the U.S. Most unfortunately and curiously, one of the bills reported also includes an untenable provision that unduly hampers energy efficiency gains by delaying the establishment of new efficiency standards for furnaces.

Senate Committee Closes Week With Further Advancement For Efficiency

“Yesterday, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee took an important step towards enacting the first major energy bill in nearly a decade. The bipartisan Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015 contains many provisions in the energy efficiency title that are supported by the Alliance to Save Energy. With the addition of several amendments noted below, the Senate bill provides a solid energy efficiency foundation for comprehensive energy legislation that should be enacted by Congress this year.