Six Star Of Energy Efficiency Award Winners To Be Honored By The Alliance To...
The Alliance to Save Energy (Alliance) has announced the 2015 Star of Energy Efficiency award recipients, which reflect a revamped slate of award categories, including the addition of a new award recognizing young professionals and students for their early-career accomplishments in advancing energy efficiency. The awards will be presented at the 23rd annual Evening with the Stars of Energy Efficiency Awards Dinner on September 17 at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C.
Senator Shaheen Elected As Honorary Chair Of Alliance Board
Camden County residents and property owners will be able ask questions and obtain information on their property’s flood hazard risk at an Open House scheduled to take place in Pennsauken Township on Wednesday, March 25 at the Camden County Boathouse , 7050 North Park Drive from 4 to 8 p.m.
Energy Efficiency Will Be Critical to Historic U.S.-China Climate Agreement
WASHINGTON, D.C. - November 17, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced an historic agreement to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) releases from their two nations which account for 40% of the world’s emissions. The United States, building on existing efforts, in which energy efficiency plays a very large role, will reduce emissions 26-28% by 2025 relative to 2005. China has committed to clean up its fast growing economy to reach peak emissions by no later than 2030.
Green Building Initiative Announces New Appointments to Board
WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 23, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- On the heels of its 10 year anniversary, The Green Building Initiative (GBI) announced two appointments to its Board of Directors that will continue to move the organization toward more engagement with national energy and environmental policy issues; Kateri Callahan, President of the Alliance to Save Energy, Washington D.C., and Richard Mitchell, President and Managing Principal at Mackenzie, an integrated design firm headquartered in Portland, Oregon.
Code Officials Defeat Proposal to Rollback Historic Efficiency Gains in America’s Model Energy Code
WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 24, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- Sound energy policy prevailed as local and state governmental officials rejected dozens of builder-sponsored home efficiency rollback proposals in a three-day marathon meeting convened by the International Code Council (ICC) to develop the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
DC Homebuyers Will Save With Latest Building Energy Code
WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 6, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The announcement by Mayor Vincent C. Gray that the District of Columbia will adopt the newest version of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), which sets energy standards for new home construction and renovations to existing homes, means energy cost savings for generations of D.C. homeowners.
Energy Efficiency at Home and “On the Go” Can Ease Pain of Cold Weather,...
Washington, D.C. - January 10, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Winter’s chill pervades much of the nation, and escalating gas prices are putting their own chill down the spines of U.S. consumers. But until the spring thaw arrives, simple energy-efficiency steps at home and on the road – potentially supplemented by federal income tax credits for specific energy-efficiency home improvements – can take the sting out of high energy bills, says the Alliance to Save Energy
New Homes Can Be Energy-Efficient and Affordable, Reveals Study by Building Codes Assistance Project
Washington, D.C. - November 26, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- The average incremental cost of constructing a new home to meet the current energy efficiency building code – the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) – comes to a mere $818.72, according to a recent study by the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP), a nonprofit advocacy organization that supports code adoption and implementation
As Winter Heating Costs Spike, Alliance to Save Energy Advises Using Energy Efficiency to...
Washington D.C, January 2008 – Already, many parts of the country are facing severe winter weather, although the season began only recently. And with average heating costs across the nation spiking about 11 percent over last winter’s, the Alliance to Save Energy recommends energy-efficiency measures to help consumers cut home energy bills, increase indoor comfort, and reduce power plant emissions that contribute to climate change.