Sunday, March 23, 2025
Authors Posts by CSBS

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) is the nationwide organization for state banking, representing the bank regulators of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and approximately 6,200 state-chartered financial institutions.

The Conference is responsible for defending state authority to determine banking structure and the products and services state-chartered institutions can offer and for improving the quality of state bank supervision by providing department performance evaluation and accreditation programs and supervisory education/training programs for state banking department personnel.

Bill Matthews
Senior Vice President
Phone: 202/728-5711

1155 Connecticut Ave NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20036-4306

Phone: 202.296.2840
Fax: 202.296.1928


CSBS Statement on FSOC Nonbank Mortgage Servicing Report

The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) released a report on nonbank mortgage servicing, including far-reaching recommendations with potentially significant consequences for

FFIEC Announces Availability of 2019 Data on Mortgage Lending

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) today announced the availability of data on 2019 mortgage lending transactions at 5,508 U.S. financial institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA).

FHFA Mortgage Servicer Plan Only a First Step

"FHFA’s commitment to provide partial support to GSE mortgage servicers during this unimaginable national challenge is an important step, but only a first step. Additional efforts are needed to ensure servicers are able to provide the support to consumers promised by Congress.

CSBS: Fed Should Establish Liquidity Facility to Support Mortgage Servicers

Conference of State Bank Supervisors President and CEO John W. Ryan today sent a letter to Federal Reserve Board Governor Jerome Powell and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin encouraging the creation

SRR settles SAFE MLO Test questions lawsuit

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors subsidiary that operates the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) settled a lawsuit against four defendants who were alleged to have misused and reproduced copyrighted questions from the national exam

AARMR and CSBS to Hold National Mortgage Policy Summit

The American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (AARMR) and CSBS will host a summit to bring together policymakers, regulators and the industry to elevate the discussion around mortgage policy on November 13 in Washington, DC.

State Regulators Nationwide Adopt Single Exam for Mortgage Licensing

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) announced today that all states and U.S. territories now use a single, common exam to assess mortgage loan originators (MLOs), simplifying the licensing process for MLOs and streamlining supervision of the mortgage industry.

North Dakota Requests Real Estate Appraisal Waiver

North Dakota today asked for a federal waiver of real estate appraisal requirements that would allow local banks to make valuation assessments due to an appraiser shortage. The waiver would help rural banks and their communities by improving the timeliness and costs of real estate transactions.

Minnesota Begins Using the Uniform Mortgage Test

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) announced that the Minnesota Department of Commerce began using the National SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Test with Uniform State Content starting today, bringing the total number of state agencies that use the test to 59.

West Virginia Begins Using Uniform Mortgage Test; 58 State Agencies Now Using the Test

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) announced today that the West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions began using the National SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Test with Uniform State Content starting today, bringing the total number of state agencies that use the test to 58

State Regulators See Increase in License Renewals for 2018

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) announced that as of December 3, state regulators have approved roughly 337,000 requests for license renewals in the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) for 2018. This represents a nine percent increase, or more than 77,000 approvals, compared to the same time last year.

2017 NMLS Renewal Campaign “Your License is Your Business” Off to Strong Start

The 2017 renewal period for the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS or the System) is off to a strong start, with the number of renewal approvals up from 2015, announced the State Regulatory Registry LLC (SRR), owner and operator of the NMLS, and a subsidiary of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)

Washington Department of Financial Institutions Earns Bank, Mortgage Accreditation

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) and the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (AARMR) are pleased to present the Washington Department of Financial Institutions (Department or DFI) with CSBS Banking Accreditation and CSBS/AARMR Mortgage Accreditation. These reaccreditations certify that the DFI maintains the highest standards in banking and mortgage supervision. Scott Jarvis serves as Director of the Washington Department of Financial Institutions

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Announces Availability of 2015 Data on Mortgage Lending

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) today announced the availability of data on mortgage lending transactions at 6,913 U.S. financial institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). Covered institutions include banks, savings associations, credit unions, and mortgage companies. The HMDA data made available today cover 2015 lending activity and include

NMLS Launches New Capabilities to Streamline State Licensing Processes

A new business procedure to electronically process surety bonds is now a reality through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS). Additionally, NMLS can now be used to electronically process criminal background checks for many more individuals at financial institutions. Both enhancements went live this week.

State Regulators Encourage Licensees to Renew Early through NMLS

In an effort to remind individuals and businesses to renew their licenses early, the State Regulatory Registry, LLC (SRR), operator of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS), will launch its second annual “Your License is Your Business” campaign Nov. 2

State Mortgage Regulators Take Action against New Day Financial, LLC

Today the Multi-State Mortgage Committee (MMC) announced a Settlement Agreement and Consent Order between 43 state mortgage regulators and New Day Financial, LLC d/b/a NewDay USA (New Day). The case arose as a result of an examination by the state of New Hampshire and a subsequent investigation conducted by the Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation. The case involved the impermissible sharing of test information for mortgage professionals as well as the practice of several New Day employees completing continuing education requirements for numerous other New Day employees

State Regulators Propose Prudential Regulatory Standards for Non-Bank Mortgage Servicers

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) and the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (AARMR) today issued for public comment Proposed Regulatory Prudential Standards for Non-bank Mortgage Servicers.

Statement on Proposed Changes to Mortgage Rules

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 2, 2015 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) strongly supports the CFPB’s willingness to propose changes to its mortgage rules to provide more exemptions for small creditors and new safe harbor provisions related to rural or underserved markets. If enacted as proposed, the revisions would give more banks flexibility to make loans to their customers, show discretion in credit decisions, and engage in relationship lending

CSBS Announces Seventh Annual NMLS Conference and Training

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 23, 2015 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) will host the seventh NMLS Annual Conference and Training February 16-19 in San Diego, Calif