Monday, March 10, 2025
Authors Posts by Food & Water Watch

Food & Water Watch champions healthy food and clean water for all. We stand up to corporations that put profits before people, and advocate for a democracy that improves people’s lives and protects our environment.


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Food & Water Watch

Trump’s Water Infrastructure Plans in Two Words: Higher Rates

As President Trump prepares to promote his plans to privatize much of our nation’s infrastructure, Food & Water Watch is urging Congress to approve only plans that would keep these critical systems publicly controlled. Private financing and operation of infrastructure, particularly water, has been shown to be more expensive and less reliable than when these systems are controlled by public entities.
Food & Water Watch

New Rate Survey of 500 U.S. Water Systems Finds Private Water Providers Charge 58%...

In the largest U.S. water rate survey of its kind, Food & Water Watch today released a comprehensive review of the 500 largest U.S. community water systems that found that large, for-profit privately owned systems charge 58 percent more than large publicly owned systems. An overwhelming majority of U.S. water customers—87 percent—receive their water from a publicly owned, not-for-profit service provider