Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Authors Posts by IDX Broker

Based in Eugene, Oregon, IDX Inc. is nationally known as a leading provider of real estate search applications. IDX, Inc. actively manages over $1 trillion worth of active listings data from over 350 individual Multiple Listings Services (MLS).  IDX, Inc. provides integrated IDX software, customizable listing search utilities and lead management tools for real estate based websites (IDX Broker).  In addition to the primary web-based software, IDX also provides an integrated WordPress widget for use in WordPress based blogs and websites (IDX Broker Wordpress Plugin) as well as a dedicated mobile application available for the iPhone (myAgent IDX). 


PO Box 71866
Eugene, OR 97401

Toll Free: (800) 421-9668
Phone: (541) 343-3912
Fax: (541) 343-3915

IDX solution simplifies the online Florida real estate search for agents, brokers and potential...

EUGENE, OR - July 5, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Amelia Island Nassau County MLS (AINCMLS) listings are displayed with ease and accessibility to all, on the IDX enabled website of Lila Keim. IDX, Inc. had provided thousands of agents and brokers around the country with the dynamic IDX Broker software, allowing real estate professionals to create unique and thorough websites and search pages. As a member of the AINCMLS, Keim has long had access to thousands of area property listings. Now, thanks to the innovative IDX solution Keim hosts, her clients can experience a level of accessibility once reserved only for agents and brokers. Never before has it been easier for Keim to supply AINCMLS listing data instantly and effortlessly to her clients.

Realtor upgrades San Diego real estate website by adopting IDX Broker software

EUGENE, OR - July 1, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- With new agents and brokers adding customizable IDX solutions daily, IDX, Inc. is pleased to welcome Christine Lewis to the ever-expanding network of real estate professionals who have enhanced the online property search capabilities they host online. IDX Broker software now seamlessly integrates San Diego Regional MLS (SANDICOR) listings directly onto the website Lewis supports. A thorough and comprehensive IDX enabled search page allows San Diego, California home seekers to quickly and easily find the property of their dreams without leaving the convenience of the website of Lewis.

Luxury Northern California properties synced with BAREIS listings database with IDX Broker software

EUGENE, OR - June 30, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Marin County, California real estate agent Marilyn Rich has teamed up with IDX, Inc. to enable her website with the revolutionary IDX Broker software. Rich, a member of the Bay Area Real Estate Info Serv...

Albany, New York area homes displayed seamlessly on the IDX enabled website of Vinod...

EUGENE, OR - June 30, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Albany, New York home seekers can now quickly and easily find their dream home online, thanks to the partnership between IDX, Inc. and real estate broker Vinod Pillai. The IDX solution now employed by Pillai syncs his search page and property listings to thousands of homes listed on the Capital Region MLS (CRMLS) database. Never before has it been so easy for New York home seekers to search for a property online. IDX Broker software has revolutionized the way listings are displayed and potential buyers search for real estate online.

Customized search tools enabled on the Southwest Indiana real estate website of Jennifer McBride,...

EUGENE, OR - June 29, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, real estate broker Jennifer McBride and IDX, Inc. announce the unveiling of the unique, thorough and comprehensive real estate website McBride has synced with an IDX solution. The IDX Broker software she has integrated onto her search page gives McBride and her clients a detailed database of Evansville, Indiana listings, displaying thousands of Southwest Indiana MLS (SWIMLS) listings seamlessly and instantly. Home seekers can experience an online property search comparable to none, thanks to the IDX enabled website McBride hosts.

Texas foreclosure specialist adopts IDX Broker software to integrate thousands of Austin listings onto...

EUGENE, OR - June 29, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and John Cotten have joined forces to present Austin, Texas property listings and foreclosure services in one convenient and easy-to-use online real estate resource. Cotten has proven himself as a smarter broker by integrating an IDX solution onto his website; syncing his customizable search page to thousands of Austin MLS (ACTRIS) listings. Never before has such a concise online real estate search page been so easily accessible by home seekers. Cotten has forever changed the way potential Austin buyers search for properties online.

Sacramento property listings seamlessly integrated onto IDX enabled website of Sherla Chen

EUGENE, OR - June 29, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to announce Sherla Chen, a Sacramento Realtor, has become the latest real estate professional to adopt IDX Broker software, allowing her to join an elite group of agents and brokers who have revolutionized the online real estate market. Chen has integrated her Metrolist Sacramento membership with her unique IDX supported search page, displaying thousands of Sacramento, California area property listings efficiently and effectively.

North Carolina real estate search simplified for agents, brokers and potential buyers with IDX...

EUGENE, OR - June 28, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Wendy Richards have joined forces to revolutionize the online North Carolina real estate search. As a member of the Carolina MLS (CMLS), Richards has long had access to thousands of detaile...

Hood River Realtor adopts IDX Broker to display thousands of Oregon property listings

EUGENE, OR - June 28, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. welcomes Kristen Gann, the latest real estate professional to integrate a customizable IDX solution onto her realty website, to the growing network of agents and broker who have proved themselv...

IDX Broker syncs raw Sunshine MLS data feed with Florida real estate website of...

EUGENE, OR - June 27, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Internet Data Exchange (IDX) technology has now upgraded the search capabilities on the website of Petra Roller, thanks to her adoption of the revolutionary IDX Broker software from IDX, Inc. Naples and Marco Island, Florida home seekers can rest assured that the website of Roller is working to find them the best possible property for their real estate needs. By narrowing and focusing a search of the Sunshine MLS (SSMLS), clients of Roller can experience an unprecedented level of access and control over their online property search. IDX Broker software has truly changed the way potential Florida buyers search for homes online

Re/Max Olson in Westlake Village, California integrates IDX solution onto the professional website of...

EUGENE, OR - June 27, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Kathi McLean have joined forces to produce and display a thorough and comprehensive online real estate search page, directly on the website McLean hosts. As a member of the California Real Estate Technology Services (CARETS), McLean can conveniently sync thousands of Southern California property listings with her search page, creating a unique and dynamic online real estate solution. IDX Broker software gives McLean the ability to effectively and efficiently match her clients, and other Westlake Village home seekers, with their dream home, from her website and the innovative IDX Broker application for iPhone and iPad.

Honolulu real estate agent syncs website with thousands of Hawaii listings, thanks to his...

EUGENE, OR - June 24, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. has forever changed the way Honolulu, Hawaii home seekers find their dream home, by suppling David Nash with his own customizable IDX solution. The IDX Broker software integrated onto the websi...

Florida home search simplified with online IDX solution, displaying thousands of property listings instantly

EUGENE, OR - June 24, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Internet Data Exchanged (IDX) technologies are now available for real estate professionals to use on their websites. IDX, Inc. and Caren Risley have teamed up to bring her Florida real estate search page a unique and comprehensive database of property listings. IDX Broker software gives Risley the ability to deliver her clients and other area home seekers with a thorough and complete online real estate resource.

Real estate professional Garth Johnson increases functionality of his search page by employing IDX...

EUGENE, OR - June 20, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. has integrated the dynamic IDX Broker software onto the website of Minnesota real estate agent Garth Johnson. Northstar MLS listings are seamlessly displayed on the search page Johnson hosts, creating a database with thousands of detailed property listings for clients of Johnson to search through. The IDX solution he employs even gives Johnson the ability to quickly and easily supply potential Edina, Minnesota buyers with a thorough and innovative IDX-backed real estate search.

IDX solution upgrades online real estate search capabilities hosted by Florida-based Brilliance Realty Group

EUGENE, OR - June 20, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Maria Castaneda and IDX, Inc. have teamed up to revolutionize the real estate website Castaneda and Brilliance Realty Group host online. IDX Broker software is integrated into the search page Castaneda employs, extracting raw listing data from the Southeast Florida Multiple Listing Service (SEFL) and seamlessly displaying it on the website of Castaneda. Customizing the look, layout and functionality of a professional real estate website has never been easier. In addition, finding the perfect property without leaving the convenience of the website Castaneda hosts has also become monumentally simpler, thanks to the IDX solution Castaneda receives as a subscriber to IDX Broker software

Realtor Richard Wetterman provides thorough MLS search on his dynamic website, with IDX Broker...

EUGENE, OR - June 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Cape Coral, Florida real estate agent Richard Wetterman have teamed up to bring thousands of Fort Myers MLS to the fingertips of online real estate seekers. IDX Broker software extracts raw listing data directly from the dynamic Fort Myers MLS database and then syncs it directly to the search page Wetterman hosts, giving his clients a unique level of accessibility to Florida properties. Wetterman has made the right choice by employing an IDX solution on his website, simplifying the online home search for his clients and proving himself as a smarter agent.

Advanced online search capabilities enable simple, easy-to-use real estate search on IDX enabled page...

EUGENE, OR - June 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, IDX Broker software has been integrated onto yet another professional real estate website, this time by Jim Van Note. IDX, Inc. has synced the website Van Note hosts with a dynamic IDX solution, making the search page of Van Note monumentally more helpful to New Jersey home seekers. Finding a home in Montclair, New Jersey has never been easier, thanks to the online real estate resource IDX Broker and the Garden State MLS (GSMLS) supply to potential buyers.

iPhone application for IDX Broker revolutionizes the online real estate search

EUGENE, OR - June 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Dickey Andress have teamed up to bring thousands of Monroe County, Alabama real estate listings to the fingertips of online property seekers. IDX Broker software extracts raw listing data directly from the Monroe County Alabama MLS (MCALMLS) and the Gulf Coast Alabama MLS (GCAMLS) databases and seamlessly integrates listings online, creating a thorough and comprehensive group of properties for each potential buyer to search through.

Northwest real estate market simplified through online IDX enabled search page and all-around realty...

EUGENE, OR - June 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and David Brimhall have brought a new IDX solution to the Seattle, Washington area real estate market. IDX Broker software now syncs directly to the website of Brimhall, extracting raw listing data from the Northwest MLS (NWMLS) and displaying it seamlessly on the IDX enabled search page Brimhall hosts. Now, Seattle home seekers can experience and dynamic, time-saving, online real estate search from the convenience of the website of Brimhall, thanks to IDX Broker software. Brimhall has forever changed the way potential Seattle buyers find the homes of their dreams.

Real estate professional in Orange County chooses IDX Broker to host dynamic online property...

EUGENE, OR - June 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Southern California home seekers can now experience an online real estate search comparable to none, with the dynamic IDX synced website hosted by Merrill deVre and supported by IDX, Inc. As a member of the California Real Estate Technology Services (CARETS), deVre has long had access to thousands of area listings. Now, the same ease and accessibility that was once reserved only for agents and brokers is available to clients of deVre, on the IDX enabled website he manages. IDX Broker software allows buyers to utilize the unique tools CARETS and deVre supply to them, forever changing the way home seekers find properties online.

Business Real Estate Press Releases


Wyoming REALTORS selects Form Simplicity as its transaction management benefit for...

Wyoming REALTORS has selected Form Simplicity, one of the real estate industry’s most trusted and widely used transaction management solutions owned by the Florida Realtors, as its sole transaction management system as a member benefit. Under this new multi-year agreement, all 2,482 members of Wyoming REALTORS receive full access to the Ultimate Edition of Form Simplicity

Recent Gov & Nonprofit Real Estate Press Releases


Wyoming REALTORS selects Form Simplicity as its transaction management benefit for...

Wyoming REALTORS has selected Form Simplicity, one of the real estate industry’s most trusted and widely used transaction management solutions owned by the Florida Realtors, as its sole transaction management system as a member benefit. Under this new multi-year agreement, all 2,482 members of Wyoming REALTORS receive full access to the Ultimate Edition of Form Simplicity