Mayor Bowser to Break Ground on Two New Communities, Delivering 179 Affordable Homes to...
On Wednesday, August 28, at 3 pm and 3:45 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will break ground on two 100% affordable communities, Providence Place and the Strand Residences
While the Federal Government Aims to Warehouse Children, Mayor Bowser Displays Model for Short-Term...
Mayor Muriel Bowser cut the ribbon on The Sterling, the District’s short-term family housing site in Ward 5, the first of three sites opening in 2019 and winter 2020. This opening continues the momentum toward making homelessness rare
Mayor Bowser Announces First National Housing Trust Fund Project Financed in Washington, DC
Mayor Muriel Bowser announced 1736 Rhode Island Avenue, NE, as the first affordable housing project in Washington, DC financed in part by the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF).
Mayor Bowser Announces First Affordable Housing Projects Supported by Oramenta Newsome Predevelopment Loan Program
Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has closed initial loans for two affordable housing projects in Ward 1 funded
Mayor Bowser Breaks Ground on New Housing and Retail at Ward 5’s Bryant Street...
Mayor Muriel Bowser, Ward 5 Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, and Interim Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development John J. Falcicchio broke ground on Phase I of Bryant Street, a 13-acre mixed-use development that will deliver 487
Mayor Bowser to Celebrate Construction Milestone at Ward 7’s Skyland Town Center
On Thursday, July 18, Mayor Muriel Bowser will celebrate the topping out of Skyland Town Center, signifying that Phase 1 of the 18-acre, mixed-use community has reached its final construction height. Following the program
Mayor Bowser to Celebrate Housing Preservation Fund Milestone at Worthington Woods in Ward 8
On Friday, July 12, at 11 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will mark the preservation of the Worthington Woods Apartments in the Congress Heights neighborhood and celebrate the 1,000th unit funded by her Housing Preservation Fund.
Mayor Bowser Celebrates the Preservation of Over 1,000 Affordable Homes through the Housing Preservation...
at the Worthington Woods apartments in Ward 8, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced a new affordable housing milestone in DC – more than 1,000 affordable homes preserved using funds from the Housing Preservation Fund. With the closing of seven projects, including Worthington Woods
Mayor Bowser to Unveil Affordable Homeownership Opportunity in Ward 1
On Monday, July 8, at 11:30 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will cut the ribbon on four family-sized townhomes in Ward 1 that will provide homeownership opportunities for households earning no more than 80 percent of Median Family Income (MFI).
Mayor Bowser Breaks Ground on Ward 1 Short-Term Family Housing
Mayor Bowser broke ground on the Ward 1 Short-Term Family Housing, the final building in the Mayor’s plan to replace the DC General Family Shelter with dignified, service-enriched programs across DC. Programs in Wards 4, 7, and 8 opened in Fall 2018, programs in Wards
Mayor Bowser to Break Ground on Ward 1 Short-Term Family Housing Program
On Tuesday, July 2, at 2 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will celebrate the groundbreaking of Ward 1’s Short-Term Family Housing (STFH) Program, delivering her commitment to close and replace the DC General Family Shelter with dignified
Mayor Bowser Announces Progress on Three Projects That Will Create More than 300 Affordable...
Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) announced the development teams for three projects in Wards 6, 7 and 8 that will deliver more than 300 affordable homes for low- and middle-income families
Mayor Bowser Releases Study on the Inventory and Affordability of Housing for Families as...
Findings and recommendations of District family-size unit study will inform efforts to produce more equitable housing for families across the District
Mayor Bowser and EagleBank to Announce Mortgage Loan Product to Help District Employees Achieve...
At 11:30 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser and EagleBank President and CEO Susan Riel will announce an exclusive mortgage loan program designed to help District Government employees achieve homeownership in the District of Columbia
Mayor Bowser and the Greater Washington Community Foundation Launch Partnership to End Homelessness
Mayor Bowser, along with her Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) and the Greater Washington Community Foundation, launched the Partnership to End Homelessness. This first-of-its-kind initiative in the District aims to galvanize private
Mayor Bowser and Greater Washington Community Foundation to Launch the District’s First-Ever Public–Private Partnership...
On Thursday, June 6, at 10:30 am, Mayor Bowser, along with her Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) and the Greater Washington Community Foundation, will launch the Partnership to End Homelessness.
Elimination of the Workforce Housing Fund Will Hurt Middle-Income Families Trying to Keep Up...
As part of her budget, Mayor Bowser proposed an innovative Workforce Housing Fund to support the production of new homes that would be affordable to working families, teachers, social workers, first responders, etc. (households earning between 60% and 120% of the Area Median Income or approximately $50,000 to $99,000 for a single-person household and $70,000 to $141,000 for a family of four).
Mayor Bowser Breaks Ground on New Housing at the Parks at Walter Reed
Mayor Muriel Bowser celebrated the groundbreaking of The Brooks and Vale Buildings, two new housing developments that will deliver 390 new market-rate and affordable housing units and the first new construction on the historic Walter Reed campus
Mayor Bowser to Break Ground on New Housing and Commercial Development on Walter Reed’s...
On Friday, March 29, at 3 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will break ground on The Brooks and Vale Buildings at the Parks at Walter Reed, located at the southwest corner of Georgia Avenue and Aspen Street, NW.
Mayor Bowser Announces Job Creation and Affordable Housing Developments at 5th Annual March Madness
On Tuesday, March 26, at 2:15 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser and Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Brian Kenner will host the fifth annual March Madness, a special preview