Friday, March 28, 2025
Authors Posts by Mayor Muriel Bowser
Mayor Muriel Bowser

Mayor Muriel Bowser

Muriel Bowser serves as Washington, DC’s seventh elected Mayor. Sworn in on January 2, 2015, she pledged to bring a fresh start to the District of Columbia, create pathways to the middle class for residents, and foster a culture of inclusion, transparency and action.

Mayor Bowser expanded opportunity across all 8 Wards of DC by strengthening job training programs, and by attracting and retaining jobs in the District. As of the first quarter of 2016, there are burgeoning projects across the city that will eventually deliver 32,000 new jobs. Washington, DC is the economic engine of the metropolitan region, and has one of the strongest local economies in the country.


Phone: (202) 727-2643


DHCD Finances 36 Affordable Rental Units in Capitol Riverfront Area

The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has closed a loan agreement to produce 36 new affordable rental housing units in the Capitol Riverfront neighborhood of Ward 6 through funding from the Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF) and federal tax credits.

Mayor Bowser to Participate in ‘Point in Time’ Count, Discuss Administration Efforts to End...

On Wednesday, January 25 at 9 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will join District Officials as they conduct the city’s “Point in Time” count, an annual census of persons experiencing homelessness. Since taking office, Mayor Bowser has implemented a broad range of initiatives to combat homelessness in the District, including providing District families with year-round access to shelter, increasing the capacity of the homeless system to quickly connect families with housing opportunities, and expanding services for youth experiencing homelessness

Mayor Bowser and Federal Partners Highlights District Progress In Ending Veteran’s Homelessness and the...

Mayor Bowser joined US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro, US Secretary of Veteran Affairs Bob McDonald, and a host of public and private sector partners highlighted the District's progress in ending veteran's homelessness and the opening of the John and Jill Ker Conway Residence at North Capitol Commons. With support from local and federal partners, this housing program will help to advance the goal of ending homelessness among veterans in the District

Bowser Administration Announces Major Enhancements to DC’s First-Time Homebuyer Programs

The Bowser Administration announced major enhancements to the District’s homebuyer programs, including increased financial assistance and longer loan payback periods, giving District residents who are first-time homebuyers more purchasing power and a greater pathway to homeownership.

Mayor Bowser to Announce Enhancements to DC’s First-Time Homebuyer Programs

On Monday, Mayor Muriel Bowser will announce enhancements to the District’s first-time homebuyer programs that will give more residents a fair shot at a pathway to the middle class by expanding opportunities for home ownership in Washington, DC. The changes will increase the budget for DC’s homebuyer programs; increase the Housing Purchase Assistance Program’s (HPAP) maximum loan amount

Mayor Bowser to Break Ground On Affordable Housing in Ward 7

On Tuesday, Mayor Bowser and Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Brian Kenner will break ground on Deanwood Hills, a 150-unit affordable housing development located at 5201 Hayes Street, NE in Ward 7. This project is part of the New Communities Initiative (NCI), a District effort to revitalize some of DC’s most underserved neighborhoods. The groundbreaking represents the first activity on an NCI development in nearly four years.

Mayor Muriel Bowser Announces Progress in Ending Homelessness Among Veterans

Mayor Muriel Bowser along with Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Brenda Donald, Department of Human Services (DHS) Director Laura Zeilinger and the DC Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) Director Kristy Greenwalt announced the progress that the District has made on the path to ending homelessness among veterans. Since August 2013, the District has housed nearly 1,800 veterans experiencing homelessness with 764 veterans housed in 2015

Mayor Bowser Releases DC Housing Preservation Strike Force Report

Mayor Muriel Bowser released a final report from the DC Housing Preservation Strike Force detailing a proactive, multi-pronged strategy for the District to use in preserving its existing supply of affordable housing. The Mayor also announced the selection of 13 projects that will produce or preserve more than 1,200 affordable housing units across Washington, DC as part of DC’s Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF

Mayor Bowser to Hold Press Conference on DC Statehood and Preservation of Affordable Housing

On Wednesday, Mayor Bowser will hold a press conference to give an update on DC statehood. The Mayor will also release the final report from the DC Housing Preservation Strike Force, an 18-member panel charged with recommending an action plan to preserve the District’s existing supply of affordable housing.

Mayor Bowser and OP3 Host DC Builds! Infrastructure Symposium

Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Office of Public-Private Partnerships (OP3) hosted DC Builds!, a half-day forum that brought together public officials, potential partners, policy experts, and residents to discuss the state of the District’s infrastructure.

Mayor Bowser Celebrates Dedication of Affordable Housing Project Honoring Civil Rights Leader

Mayor Muriel Bowser joined Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips, Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, and Todd Lee, Director of the DC Housing Finance Agency, to celebrate the dedication of the Channing E. Phillips Homes, a new affordable housing project financed with $18 million in District funding.

Mayor Bowser and OP3 to Host DC Builds! Infrastructure Symposium

On Friday, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Office of Public-Private Partnerships (OP3) will host DC Builds!, a half-day forum that will bring together public officials, potential partners, policy experts, and residents to discuss the state of DC’s infrastructure and the innovative tools the District is using to more effectively build and maintain that infrastructure

Mayor Bowser Celebrates Historic Investments in Affordable Housing

Mayor Muriel Bowser joined District residents and officials to celebrate the unprecedented investment of over $100 million from theHousing Production Trust Fund (HPTF). The $106.3 million supports 19 projects that will produce or preserve more than 1,200 affordable housing units in all 8 wards.

District Government Moves to Expedite New School Construction on Walter Reed Campus

Mayor Bowser and U.S. Army take first step to transfer land to ensure District of Columbia International School is built by 2017 school year. Washington,...

Business Real Estate Press Releases

Recent Gov & Nonprofit Real Estate Press Releases

Appraisal Institute

Appraisal Institute’s Response to Freddie Mac Research on Hybrid Appraisals

The Appraisal Institute strongly urges policymakers, industry stakeholders, and the public to exercise caution when considering recent research findings published on Mar. 13 by Freddie Mac as