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With more than 1.3 million members, the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) is the voice for real estate. Visit to see how our real estate resources can benefit you.

REALTOR® magazine ( is the official magazine of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and the business tool for real estate professionals.

The magazine advances real estate best practices, brings expert insight to significant trends, and provides REALTORS® with timely decision-making tools on business purchases and strategies.


Walt Molony


NAR Awards Realtor® Associations Grants to Promote and Expand Affordable Housing

Washington, DC - November 22, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Housing Opportunity Program Grants, a National Association of Realtors® grant program, has presented $62,500 to 19 local and state Realtor® associations. Those associations will use the funds to promote and expand affordable housing opportunities in their communities.

October Existing-Home Sales Rise, Unsold Inventory Continues to Decline

Washington, DC - November 21, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Existing-home sales improved in October while the number of homes on the market continued to decline, according to the National Association of Realtors

Realtors® Applaud Congress for Reinstating FHA Loan Limits

Washington, DC - November 18, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- WASHINGTON (November 17, 2011) – The National Association of Realtors® commends Congress for reinstating the loan limit formula and maximum cap for Federal Housing Administration-insured loans for two years.

NAR Installs 2012 Officers

Anaheim, CA - November 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Maurice “Moe” Veissi, a Realtor® from Miami, was installed today as 2012 president of the National Association of Realtors® at the association’s Board of Directors meeting during the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo.

Realtor® PeggyAnn McConnochie Honored with NAR Distinguished Service Award

Anaheim, IL - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- PeggyAnn McConnochie, a Realtor® from Juneau, Alaska, has received the National Association of Realtors® 2011 Distinguished Service Award. Out of 1.1 million Realtors®, no more than two are recognized with this award each year. The recipients were announced in Anaheim, Calif. during NAR’s annual REALTORS® Conference & Expo.

Realtor® Adorna Carroll Honored with NAR Distinguished Service Award

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Adorna Carroll, a Realtor® from Berlin, Conn., has received the National Association of Realtors® 2011 Distinguished Service Award. Out of 1.1 million Realtors®, no more than two are recognized with this award each year. The recipients were announced in Anaheim, Calif., during NAR’s annual Realtors® Conference & Expo.

REALTORS® Help Buyers Overcome Tight Mortgage Credit

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Home buyers face unprecedented hurdles in qualifying for a mortgage in today’s market, but getting a loan is possible for those who know how to overcome the obstacles, according to a presentation on Cracking the Credit Code at the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo.

Housing Must Be a National Priority

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The struggling housing market needs to be a priority on the nation’s public policy agenda, because housing and homeownership issues affect all Americans. That was the message from speakers at the Legislative and Political Forum yesterday at the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo here.

U.S. Will Remain a Nation of Homeowners

ANAHEIM, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The U.S. will not become a nation of renters; there are just too many benefits, both financial and otherwise, to own versus rent. That’s according to the combined findings of several recent studies presented during the “Buyer or Renter Nation?” session today at the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo.

Realtors® Take Aim at Appraisals in Anaheim

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- ANAHEIM (November 12, 2011) – Accurate home appraisal valuations are vital in today’s market; inaccurate appraisals can slow down or even cancel a home sale. Today Realtors® and other real estate experts gathered at the “Appraisals: What You Absolutely Need to Know” forum during the Realtors® Conference & Expo to address this pressing issue.

Commercial Real Estate Market to See Improvement in Year Ahead

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Depressed conditions in the financial and small business sectors continue to negatively affect the commercial real estate industry and the nation’s economic recovery. That’s according to economists at the Economic Issues and Commercial Real Estate Business Trends Forum at the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo yesterday

NAR Home Buyer and Seller Survey Reflects Tight Credit Conditions

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Recent home buyers are staying well within their means with notably higher incomes and modestly higher downpayments than buyers in the previous year due to the restrictive mortgage credit environment, despite historically favorable housing affordability conditions, according to a study released today at the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo.

Gradual Recovery for Housing and the Economy Expected in 2012

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Although the housing market struggled to maintain an even footing in 2011, gradual improvement is expected in 2012 and beyond, according to projections at a residential forum here at the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo.

NAR’s 2012 President Committed to Facing Challenges Ahead

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The National Association of Realtors® will not waiver in its commitment to ensure access to homeownership, affordable housing, and commercial investment, according to Moe Veissi, 2012 NAR president. Veissi shared his perspective and insights into some of the key issues facing the real estate industry in the coming year during the 2011 Realtors® Conference & Expo today.

NAR’s Global Initiatives Cross Borders

Anaheim, CA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- As the international community continues to seek out opportunities in the U.S. property market, the National Association of Realtors® is expanding its global reach through several new initiatives. During the 2011 REALTORS® Conference & Expo here this week, attendees from all over the world can learn about NAR’s global business tools and resources.

National Bus Tour Underscores Importance of Home Ownership Matters

Anaheim, CA - November 11, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- After travelling through 33 states and visiting more than 50 cities across the country, the National Association of Realtors® Home Ownership Matters Bus arrives in Anaheim, Calif., today for the Realtors® Conference & Expo here this week. The bus will be parked on the floor of the Anaheim Convention Center throughout the conference.

Realtors® Ready to ‘Seize the Day’ for America’s Home Owners

Anaheim, CA - November 11, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Realtors® stand ready to protect and defend opportunities for homeownership, and many of them have gathered here at the 2011 REALTORS® Conference & Expo to prepare for the challenges ahead.

Third Quarter Metro Area Prices Soften but State Sales Broadly Rise

Washington, DC - November 9, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Metro area median existing-home prices in the third quarter generally were down from a year ago, while sales rose in every state from the third quarter of 2010, according to the latest quarterly report by the National Association of Realtors®. Goes Global With Launch of International Site

Washington, DC - November 3, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today the National Association of Realtors®, and Move, Inc. (NASDAQ: MOVE), the leader in online real estate and operator of, extended the lead of as the world’s largest online destination for real estate listings with the launch of the International web site.

Realtor® Good Neighbor Award Winners Step Forward to Help People in Need

Washington DC - November 3, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- For the past 12 years the Good Neighbor Awards program has recognized Realtors® who are devoted to strengthening communities through volunteer work and helping those in need. The five individuals named as this year's REALTOR® Magazine Good Neighbor Award winners are leading examples of how Realtors® value service and are committed to improving communities.

Recent NAR Press Releases


Pending Home Sales Waned 4.6% in January

Pending home sales pulled back 4.6% in January according to the National Association of REALTORS®. The Midwest, South and West experienced month-over-month losses in transactions – with the most significant drop in the South – while the Northeast saw a

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