Sunday, March 23, 2025
Authors Posts by National REIA
National REIA

National REIA

The National Real Estate Investors Association is a 501 (c) 6 trade association. We are a federation made up of local associations or investment clubs throughout the United States. We represent local investor associations, property owner associations, apartment associations, and landlord associations on a national scale. Together we represent the interests of approximately 40,000 members across the U.S. As such, we are the largest broad based organization dedicated to the individual investor.


Phone: (888) 762-7342

National REIA Statement on COVID-19 and Housing Providers

The National Real Estate Investors Association, its Chapters and Affiliates, and over 40,000 members, encourage all residents who are in financial distress to proactively contact the owner or manager of their home prior to April 1st or the date upon which rent is due.
National REIA

Real Estate Investors “Improve Neighborhoods One Home at a Time” Affirm Their Support of...

During their annual meeting in Louisville, KY, the National Real Estate Investors Association (National REIA) reaffirmed their commitment to American Housing Month (June)
National REIA

Three Real Estate Investor Groups Receive “Awards of Excellence” at MidYear Conference

The National Real Estate Investors Association (NREIA) announced this week that three of its chapters received an “Award of Excellence” at their annual MidYear meeting, which took place this month in Austin, TX. Awards were given for outstanding efforts in six major categories; Government Affairs, Community Service, Communications, Membership, Education and Strategic Industry Partners Marketing. Three chapters (one from each size group; Small, Medium and Large) received an award.

National REIA Spearheads Landlord Protection Victory in Ohio

Before the Ohio General Assembly adjourned its session last month it handed landlords a big win with the passage of legislation aimed at curbing harassment-for-profit by local fair housing organizations. More...