Friday, February 28, 2025
Authors Posts by NCHV

The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) — a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a 13-member board of directors — is the resource and technical assistance center for a national network of community-based service providers and local, state and federal agencies that provide emergency and supportive housing, food, health services, job training and placement assistance, legal aid and case management support for hundreds of thousands of homeless veterans each year.


333 ½ Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003-1148

Phone: (202) 546-1969
Toll Free: 800.VET.HELP
Fax: 202.546.2063
Toll Free Fax: 888.233.8582

HUD Properties Available for Homeless Services

In accordance with the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, HUD published a Notice in the Oct. 30, 2015, Federal Register identifying Federal buildings and other real property HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies or by GSA regarding their inventories of excess or surplus property. The list includes buildings and properties in the District of Columbia, Illinois, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas.

Senate Passes Homeless Veterans Services Protection Act

Just now, the United States Senate passed S.1731, the “Homeless Veterans Services Protection Act” which will protect the eligibility for VA homeless services of homeless veterans with “Other Than Honorable” (OTH) discharges

HUD/VA Effort to Provide Permanent Homes for Native American Veterans Experiencing Homelessness

For the first time ever, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are launching a demonstration program to offer a permanent home and supportive services to Native American veterans who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. The Tribal HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (Tribal HUD-VASH) Program will combine $4 million in rental assistance from HUD with case management and clinical services provided by VA to serve approximately 600 Native American veterans.

Understanding the Criteria and Benchmarks for Federal Certification of Ending Veteran Homelessness

On Oct. 29, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. EDT, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness is hosting a webinar to discuss the recently released criteria to meet Federal standards of ending veteran homelessness and how to use it to align your local efforts in support of that vision, with a focus on long-term, lasting solutions. We will also talk about the Federal process for confirming your community's achievement of the goal.

HUD Properties Available for Homeless Services in Four States

In accordance with the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, HUD published a Notice in the June 12, 2015, Federal Register identifying Federal buildings and other real property HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies or by GSA regarding their inventories of excess or surplus property. The list includes buildings and properties in Arkansas, Nevada, New Jersey, and Tennessee

All In on Ending Veteran Homelessness: We Stand Together

Five years ago, the Obama Administration set an ambitious goal: to end homelessness among veterans by the end of 2015. Many scoffed; many continue to scoff. In the face of such skepticism, we remain optimistic and focused, and know this is an historic opportunity we must seize. Veteran homelessness is not a reality we have to accept

HUD and VA to Help More than 9,000 Veterans Find Permanent Homes

In the ongoing effort to end veteran homelessness, the U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) have announced nearly $65 million to help more than 9,300 homeless veterans find a permanent place to call home. The rental assistance, announced April 20, is provided through the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program which combines rental assistance from HUD with case management and clinical services provided by VA.

NCHV Responds to VA Secretary’s Apology

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 25, 2015 - (RealEstateRama) -- As many of you may have read, in January at the Point in Time Count in Los Angeles, Department of Veteran Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald made a mistake when he misstated the details of his military service. While we do not condone that misstatement, the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) would rather the community focus on what the Secretary intended to do: he was making an effort to connect to a homeless veteran who had shared personal information about an important period in his life

HUD Properties Available for Homeless Services

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 2, 2015 - (RealEstateRama) -- In accordance with the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, HUD published a Notice in the Jan. 30, 2015, Federal Register identifying Federal buildings and other real property HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies or by GSA regarding their inventories of excess or surplus property. The list includes buildings and properties in California, Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and Washington

2014 NCHV Housing Summit Registration Now Closed

WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 23, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Due to overwhelming response, registration for the 2014 NCHV Veterans Access to Housing Summit is now closed.

Secretary McDonald Announces VA to Continue Town Hall Events at VA Facilities Nationwide

WASHINGTON - October 21, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald has directed all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare and benefits facilities to continue to hold quarterly town hall events to improve communication with, and hear directly from, veterans nationwide. This follows the recent completion of town-halls at these facilities held between August and the end of September of this year.

VA Awards SSVF Surge Funding to 56 Communities

WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 1, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) is encouraged by today’s announcement by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that it has awarded $207 million in grants to nonprofit organizations across the country to assist them in their local push to end veteran homelessness. Today’s awards have been directed to 82 programs in 56 communities across the country that the VA has determined have the most acute need for more rapid re-housing and homelessness prevention funding. This funding is part of a “surge” to communities with the highest need to help meet the national goal of ending veteran homelessness by 2015.

Register Now for the 2014 NCHV Housing Summit

WASHINGTON, D.C. - September 5, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Join NCHV and our community partners at the 2014 NCHV Veterans Access to Housing Summit, taking place Nov. 13-14 in New Orleans.

VA 25 Cities Initiative: the Leadership Launch

WASHINGTON, D.C. - April 29, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- We have been using the word “historic” a lot since Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Eric Shinseki announced the Five-Year Plan to End Veteran Homelessness at the end of 2009.

NCHV TA Center Training on HVRP SGA

WASHINGTON, D.C. - April 17, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- On April 14, 2013, the U.S. Department of Labor Veterans' Employment and Training Service (DOL-VETS) announced the availability of up to $6 million to fund 24 or more Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) grants. Approximately 2,000 veterans will receive job training and related services to help them succeed in civilian careers. HVRP is the only federal program that focuses exclusively on the employment of veterans who are homeless.

SSVF 2014 NOFA Grant Application Workshops

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 28, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced that $600 million has been made available to community agencies to assist very-low income veterans and families facing homelessness. These funds are offered through the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program, a homeless-prevention and rapid re-housing program.

2013 NCHV Veterans Access to Housing Summit

WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 2, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- On Nov. 20-21, the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV), in partnership with The Home Depot Foundation and Citi Salutes, is hosting the third annual Veterans Access to Housing Summit in Chicago, IL.

Conducting Homeless Counts on Native American Lands Toolkit

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 14, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Housing Assistance Council has released this flexible toolkit which highlights steps, tools, and methods that can be used to complete an accurate homeless count on Native American lands. The toolkit is based upon past research as well as interviews with key stakeholders in the field.

Upcoming SAMHSA Webinar: Homelessness Prevention

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 24, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- According to national data, on any given night, nearly 672,000 Americans are homeless: nearly 40 percent are members of homeless families and nearly 20 percent are veterans. The longer someone has been homeless, the more difficult—and expensive—it becomes to restore stability. A 2011 expert panel on homelessness prevention highlighted pertinent research and specific strategies for preventing homelessness. This webinar will include participants from that panel and draw from information gained from that expert panel discussion.

Veteran Housing, Securing Service Capacity

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 22, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- We have now officially begun the second half of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki’s Five-Year Plan to End Veteran Homelessness. During the first two and a half years the VA and its community partners represented by NCHV have fundamentally changed the homeless veteran services landscape

Business Real Estate Press Releases

Recent Gov & Nonprofit Real Estate Press Releases

3 Unique Tiny Homes That Make Perfect Airbnb Rentals

3 Unique Tiny Homes That Make Perfect Airbnb Rentals

Have you ever dreamed of owning a unique Airbnb rental that stands out from the typical hotels and vacation homes? If so, tiny homes might be the perfect way to turn that dream into reality.