Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Authors Posts by NHC

For more than 75 years, the nonprofit National Housing Conference (NHC) has been the United Voice for Housing. A membership drawn from every industry segment forms the foundation for NHC’s broad, nonpartisan advocacy for national policies and legislation that promote suitable housing in a safe, decent environment.

NHC's research affiliate, the Center for Housing Policy, specializes in developing solutions through research. In partnership with NHC and its members, the Center works to broaden understanding of the nation’s housing challenges and to examine the impact of policies and programs developed to address these needs.


National Housing Conference
1801 K Street, N.W., Suite M-100
Washington, DC 20006-1301

Phone: 202/466-2121
Fax: 202/466-2122

Media contact:
Laura Woods
Phone: (202) 466-2121 x240


NHC urges Acting Director Otting to continue making allocations to the Capital Magnet Fund...

The National Housing Conference (NHC) and its diverse coalition of members submitted a letter to urge continued allocations to the Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) and the national Housing Trust

National Housing Conference statement on Chairman Crapo’s housing finance plan

The National Housing Conference (NHC) supports Senate Banking Committee chairman Mike Crapo’s objectives to “establish stronger levels of taxpayer protection, preserve the 30-year

NHC urges communication between property managers and residents as shutdown continues

As the federal government partial shutdown continues to drag on, multifamily housing owners across the country are feeling its impact and consumers are increasingly concerned that this unprecedented crisis of governing could literally impact their ability to remain in their homes.

NHC’s statement on the continued impact of the shutdown on housing

As the partial government shutdown crawls into its fourth week, anxiety among those housed with money from the unfunded Department of Housing and Urban Development continues to rise. “This crisis is completely unnecessary and irresponsible,” said David M. Dworkin, NHC president and CEO.

NHC’s statement on HUD leadership changes

“Pam Patenaude has been a dynamic and effective deputy secretary, which is one of the most important housing positions in any administration,” said NHC President and CEO David M. Dworkin. “She has been a passionate advocate for relief efforts in Puerto Rico, and a key voice on behalf of housing within the Trump administration.”

National housing leaders meet to develop solutions to growing affordability crisis

Housing leaders from around the country meet to develop solutions for the growing affordability crisis, which has left one in five adults, age 25-35 living with their parents, according to research conducted by the National Association of Home Builders.

Strong FHA audit indicates now is the time to fix FHA’s infrastructure, reverse mortgage...

The Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) 2018 audit report on the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF) is another step on the road to full recovery from the housing crisis. However, the report also noted continued losses in the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program, the leading driver of FHA losses.

Top housing, political, community leaders to discuss housing policies post-midterms on Nov. 27

The National Housing Conference (NHC) will host Solutions for Affordable Housing, a post-midterm election examination of federal housing policies and their impacts on local communities. Solutions will feature a roster of top housing, political and community leaders. NHC’s first-ever Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill will follow the next day on Nov. 28.

National Housing Conference says HUD fair housing assessment tool should be reinstated

NHC has called on HUD to reinstate its Assessment Tool and continue requiring communities to submit Assessments of Fair Housing (AFH) over its outdated and inefficient predecessor. HUD ended the new approach earlier this year. The request was made in comments submitted by NHC to HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH): Streamlining and Enhancements advanced notice of proposed rulemaking

National Housing Conference announces new policy director

The National Housing Conference (NHC) announced today that Tristan Bréaux officially joined NHC as its new policy director. Bréaux brings to NHC 10 years of policy and legislative experience. Most recently, he served as a deputy chief of staff and district director for Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).

NHC submits comments to Treasury on Opportunity Zones implementation

The National Housing Conference (NHC) submitted comments today on Opportunity Zones (OZ) to the U.S. Department of the Treasury. NHC believes that to be eligible for the tax incentive, any tax-deferred investments targeted specifically at distressed communities should avoid the elimination of affordable housing leading to displacement of current residents.

NHC statement on the Trump administration’s housing finance reform proposal

The National Housing Conference is encouraged that the Trump administration’s proposal, “Reform Federal Role in Mortgage Finance” is addressing a critical issue affecting the American Home.

NHC lauds Senate’s rejection of Trump budget cuts

The National Housing Conference strongly supports the U.S. Senate’s rejection of a procedural vote to consider President Donald Trump’s $15 billion budget rescission package by a vote of 48-50. “The Senate vote was an important stand against a deeply flawed budget policy that would harm affordable housing efforts at a time when they are needed most,” said David M. Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference.

White House rescissions package puts critical housing, community development programs at risk

The Office of Management and Budget has requested $15.4 billion in cuts from resources already allocated to federal agencies in a rescissions package sent to Congress today. Included in the request is a cut of over $257 million in housing and community development funds, including HUD’s Public Housing Capital Fund, Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions and Capital Magnet Funds, and USDA’s Rental Assistance and Community Facilities programs

Omnibus spending bill the most important housing legislation in years

NHC’s president and CEO David M. Dworkin says that the omnibus FY 2018 funding bill released tonight “is the most important housing legislation in many years. Public-private partnerships like LIHTC and the CDFI Fund have a proven track record of success, and subsidy programs like HOME and CDBG are critical components of any public-private investment partnership. These increases will result in hundreds of thousands of desperately needed affordable housing units being built by American workers throughout the country. The American Home is the foundation of everything it means to be a great nation, and these federal investments are the keystone of that foundation.”

National Housing Conference sign-on letter to Senate leadership supports confirmation of Brian Montgomery for...

The National Housing Conference (NHC) sent a letter signed by 44 organizations Friday to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) expressing enthusiastic support for confirmation of Brian D. Montgomery as Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) assistant secretary for housing and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) commissioner.

National Housing Conference Statement on State of the Union

President Trump has called for “our New American Moment,” declaring that “there has never been a better time to start living the American dream.” But there is no American dream without the American Home.

Duty to Serve can expand the reach of affordable housing

The National Housing Conference welcomes the final Underserved Markets Plans released by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac today as the next step in the Duty to Serve process. The enterprises make more specific commitments to loan purchases and investments in year one than were in the May drafts. We should see immediate impacts from these plans in 2018 to help private capital reach rural areas, preserve affordable housing and improve manufactured housing.

Tax bill provisions would harm affordable housing and economic revitalization efforts

Elements of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” released yesterday by the House Ways and Means Committee would greatly harm affordable housing, economic revitalization and community development efforts nationwide. The National Housing Conference’s diverse membership of housing stakeholders opposes the elimination of proven tools like private activity mortgage revenue bonds and the New Markets Tax Credit, and supports improvement and expansion of the long-successful Low Income Housing Tax Credit

NHC encourages states to use energy efficiency in affordable housing to meet federal goals

With the federal Clean Power Plan rule coming soon, states will have to begin planning for how to meet federal requirements to reduce carbon emissions. Housing should play a role in those plans because the built environment offers ways to not only reduce pollution but also reduce energy costs, improve health and make housing more affordable. The National Housing Conference (NHC) urges states and housing stakeholders to ensure that energy efficiency in affordable housing becomes a part of every state’s plan.