Cummings Applauds Federal Emergency Efforts to Address Flint Water Crisis


Washington, DC – February 19, 2016 – (RealEstateRama) — Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, issued the following statement after the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced plans to provide grants to two health centers in Flint, Michigan for additional lead testing and other services:

“I applaud these federal emergency efforts to address the critical health needs of thousands of children and families in Flint who have been exposed to drinking water poisoned with lead. Many of Flint’s children already face economic hardship, and these funds will help determine if they have been exposed to lead and deal with the significant impact lead exposure has on their health and development.

“There is no doubt that Governor Snyder’s administration played a central and critical role in this man-made disaster. The state has failed the people of Flint, and now they must do more to fix the problem, including providing more health services to children exposed to lead, ensuring that residents don’t pay for any water they can’t drink or use, and rebuilding the state’s infrastructure.”

According to the announcement by HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell, both Hamilton Community Health Network and Genesee Health Services in Flint will each receive $250,000 in one-time emergency supplemental funding to make an immediate impact in the community by providing additional lead testing, treatment, outreach, and education to meet the increased need for health services in the Flint community.

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