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HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


In an effort to address emergency, safety and security needs and fight crime at public housing properties, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded $5 million to 25 local agencies in 15 states.

EPAs Grant of $2,536,800 to South Carolina will Support Efforts to Improve and Protect...

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) has received a $2,536,800 EPA grant to reduce nonpoint source pollution as well as achieve and maintain beneficial use of water. The grant is part of EPA's 2017 Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant Program.
Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Department of Energy awards $1.9 Million Grant to The City of Seattle Department of...

Ranking Member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) applauded the Department of Energy’s (DOE) announcement that the City of Seattle Department of Transportation will receive a $1.9 million grant to accelerate the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in Seattle.

VA to Revise State Veteran Home Construction Regulations

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin announced that VA plans to propose changes to regulations for its State Veterans Home Construction Grant Program to make it easier to for States to receive VA funding to construct Veterans homes in rural areas.

Logan River watershed receives portion of $1m grant for water quality improvement projects

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $1,004,260 to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) to help protect human health and the environment through a Nonpoint Source Program Clean Water Act Section 319 cooperative agreement. This grant is given to states to implement environmental programs that address nonpoint source pollution in surface and groundwater in order to improve and protect water quality.

EPA awards $1.1 million to Idaho to protect drinking water sources

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it awarded a total of $1.1 million in two-year grant funding for 2016-2018 to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to protect underground sources of drinking water from leaking underground petroleum storage tanks.

VA Extends Funding to Groups Impacted By Grant and Per Diem Program Changes

VA Secretary David J. Shulkin announced an extension of funding to organizations that applied for Fiscal Year 2018 grants under VA’s Homeless Providers’ Grant and Per Diem Program, but would be found ineligible due to new program guidelines.

NEH Announces $39.3 Million for 245 Humanities Projects Nationwide

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) today announced $39.3 million in grants for 245 humanities projects across the country. The grants include funding to help revitalize the Lakota/Dakota language through a master-apprentice language-learning program for Sioux Tribe members and the creation of a veterans studies program at Missoula College in Montana.

U.S. Files New Complaint Against City Of L.A. and a Former Redevelopment Agency to...

The United States late yesterday filed a complaint in intervention against the City of Los Angeles and the CRA/LA (formerly the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles) alleging that together they fraudulently obtained millions of dollars in housing grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by falsely certifying that the money was being spent in compliance with federal accessibility laws

EPA Provides Environmental Programs in N.Y. with $5.7 Million to Improve Water Quality

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation a Performance Partnership grant of $5.7 million to administer water quality programs.

DOL-VETS Announces $43.3 Million in HVRP Grant Awards

Today, the Department of Labor announced the award of $43.3 million in Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program grants. The grants will help an estimated 21,000 veterans successfully reintegrate into the competitive workforce. The grants will fund a variety of services to assist homeless veterans in their return to the labor force including occupational, classroom, and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance.

DCHFA Closes First HPAP Loan for Home Purchase Assistance

June is National Homeownership Month and the District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency (DCHFA) is announcing its first closing of the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP). On June 12, Leonidas Saturria Rosario and Lurden Martinez de Saturria became homeowners with the assistance of the HPAP program. “We are happy and satisfied that our prayers of being homeowners have been answered. We are not priced out of the market and can afford to stay in D.C. thanks to HPAP.”

U.S. EPA Announces $7.2 Million in Brownfields Grants to Promote Economic Redevelopment Across the...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that the Pacific Southwest Region will receive $7,246,516 in federal grant funds distributed across 19 entities for brownfield site revitalization efforts.

USDA Seeks Applications for Community Development Grants

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is inviting applications for grants to support economic development in rural communities. “These grants will support partnerships between community development groups and rural communities to develop essential facilities and create jobs and business opportunities,” USDA Rural Development Acting Deputy Undersecretary Roger Glendenning said

Habitat for Humanity and Wells Fargo team up with veterans to improve 100 homes

Habitat for Humanity and Wells Fargo & Company today announced a new commitment to improve 100 homes with veterans in nearly 30 communities across the country from Seattle to South Palm Beach, Florida.

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $72 Million for Innovative Research and Development by Small...

U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced that the Department of Energy will award 73 grants totaling $72 million to 68 small businesses in 24 states. Funded through DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, today’s selections are for Phase II research and development. Small businesses that demonstrated technical feasibility for innovations during their Phase I grants competed for funding for prototype or processes development during Phase II. In addition, prior Phase II awardees competed for sequential Phase II awards to continue prototype and process development. The median Phase II award is $1 million for a period of two years.

Habitat for Humanity statement on White House fiscal year 2018 budget

The White House today released its full fiscal year 2018 budget request, which proposes to eliminate funding for programs that further Habitat for Humanity’s efforts to address the affordable housing crisis across the United States. Proposed cuts include the Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program,or SHOP, the Community Development Block Grant, the HOME Investment Partnership Program and the Corporation for National and Community Service.

VA Awards Grants to Develop Technology to Help Veterans, Service Members Modify Homes

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today the awarding of $599,802 in Specially Adapted Housing Assistive Technology (SAHAT) Grants to eligible individuals, researchers and organizations to develop new technology that may enhance Veterans’ and service members’ ability to live in a specially adapted home.

NEH Awards $1.4 Million in Grants to Support Veterans

The National Endowment for the Humanities announced $1.4 million in grants for the second round of its Dialogues on the Experience of War grant program. Part of NEH’s Standing Together initiative, which focuses on humanities projects that highlight veterans, Dialogues on the Experience of War grants provide opportunities for veterans, through the study and discussion of important humanities sources, to think more deeply about issues raised by war and military service

6 REALTOR® Associations Honored for Community Outreach

The National Association of Realtors® has honored six Realtor® associations across the country with Community Outreach Awards. These awards recognize associations that have worked within their communities to make them a better place to live and do business

Recent HUD Press Releases

Random HUD in News

The Washington Post

After butting heads with Trump administration, top HUD official departs agency

A top Department of Housing and Urban Development official is leaving the agency Thursday following disagreements with other members of the Trump administration over housing policy