Mayor Bowser to Celebrate Housing Preservation Fund Milestone at Worthington Woods in Ward 8

(Washington, DC) – (RealEstateRama) – On Friday, July 12, at 11 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will mark the preservation of the Worthington Woods Apartments in the Congress Heights neighborhood and celebrate the 1,000th unit funded by her Housing Preservation Fund.
Worthington Woods is a 394-unit apartment community that serves households earning less than 60 percent of the Medium Family Income (MFI). The Worthington Woods Tenant Association assigned their rights through the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) to Montgomery Housing Partnership (MHP) in exchange for a commitment to preserve the property as affordable and not displace any of the tenants. MHP acquired the property with assistance from the Housing Preservation Fund.
Friday, July 12, at 11 am
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Polly Donaldson, Director, Department of Housing and Community Development
Robert Goldman, President, Montgomery Housing Partnership
Katherine Murtha, Origination Loan Officer, Capital Impact Partners
Ronnie Jamison, Vice President, Worthington Woods Tenant Organization
4419 3rd Street, SE
*Closest Metro Station: Congress Heights Station*
*Bus Routes: A6 & A8*
All reporters and other media interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to ">. To view the event online, visit or tune in on Channel 16 (DCN).