NeighborWorks America releases statement in support of energy conservation in manufactured housing
WASHINGTON, D.C. — (RealEstateRama) — NeighborWorks America knows that manufactured housing can help solve America’s affordable housing crisis. It is a vital resource for many elderly and low-income homeowners. Particularly in rural, high-poverty areas, it may be the best housing option. Manufactured housing can offer benefits to buyers including lower cost and improved energy efficiency compared with site-built homes. Increasing the energy-efficiency of manufactured homes can help make homeownership a sustainable investment for low- and moderate-income families long-term.
NeighborWorks America supports efforts to improve energy conservation standards for manufactured housing. The Department of Energy’s proposed rule, for example, will save homeowners nearly 25 percent on energy costs alone while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing long-term affordability. Next Step, NeighborWorks America partner and the primary supplier of manufactured homes to many NeighborWorks organizations, developed a system for delivering quality, energy-efficient manufactured housing to nonprofits across the country. The system, Manufactured Housing Done Right, connects responsible financing, comprehensive homebuyer education and the delivery of ENERGY STAR factory-built homes at scale.
NeighborWorks America knows that housing and financial choices can be confusing and expensive and wants to help people save time and money as they make the right housing decision for their family. Manufactured housing is a growing part of today’s affordable housing market.
About NeighborWorks America
For more than 35 years, NeighborWorks America, a national, nonpartisan nonprofit, has created opportunities for people to improve their lives and strengthen their communities by providing access to homeownership and to safe and affordable rental housing. In the last five years, NeighborWorks organizations have generated more than $27.2 billion in reinvestment in these communities. NeighborWorks America is the nation’s leading trainer of community development and affordable housing professionals.
Lindsay Moore