Norton to Host Special Order Time on House Floor to Commemorate the 44th Anniversary of the Home Rule Act, Tonight
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (RealEstateRama) — Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) will commemorate the 44th anniversary of the enactment of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act on Christmas Eve by hosting a special order hour on the House floor tonight, Thursday, December 21, 2017. Norton will review the implications of the District’s fight for a local government leading up to the passage of the Home Rule Act and leading to D.C.’s 21st century struggle for statehood. She will compare the congressional bipartisanship that resulted in the Home Rule Act, which was signed into law by Republican President Richard Nixon on December 24, 1973, with today’s repeated attempts by Republican Members to violate their own local control principles by trying to overturn local D.C. laws. Norton has defeated all new attempts this Congress to overturn D.C. laws.

“This month, we celebrate 44 years of home rule here in the District of Columbia and the progress our city has made since achieving local democracy here,” Norton said. “Yet, we still face dozens of attacks from Republican Members of Congress to overturn our local laws. I will go to the House floor to celebrate home rule, but also to lay out the case for why the District of Columbia deserves statehood, the only remedy for the unequal status District residents have struggled to eliminate since 1801, when the District became the nation’s capital.”