Rep. Norma Torres to Lead New Democrat Coalition Affordable Housing Task Force

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Washington, D.C. – RealEstateRama – Representative Norma J. Torres (CA-35)announced that she will be leading the New Democrat Coalition Affordable Housing Policy Task Force as Chair in the 118th Congress. Families in California’s 35th District and across the nation have felt the impact of inflation and our nation’s housing crisis, facing high rental prices and a lack of housing supply.

Affordable and quality housing is critical for a strong economy, and Rep. Torres is focused on making this a reality. The Affordable Housing Task Force will develop and advance solutions to build more affordable housing, increase affordable housing access, and tackle this crisis.

“Every American deserves the safety and security of a place to call home, to raise a family, and feel safe at night. Last Congress, I worked with my colleagues to address America’s housing crisis and rising housing costs as both a New Democrat and a member of the House Appropriations Transportation-Housing and Urban Development Subcommittee,” said NDC Affordable Housing Task Force Chair Congresswoman Torres. “Affordable housing is a top issue for the constituents of California’s 35th district. As the Affordable Housing Task Force Chair, I look forward to delivering results for Inland Empire families and all Americans.”

“The New Democrat Coalition is the ‘Can-Do Caucus,’ and our Members are the true policy entrepreneurs in Congress,” said NDC Chair Annie Kuster.“We know that a closely divided Congress presents a real opportunity for bipartisan progress. That’s why each of these nine policy task forces reflects areas where we can work across the aisle to deliver legislative wins for our constituents, including on the issues of workforce development, housing, mental health care, and more. Last Congress, Democrats had the same slim margin Republicans hold now – and just as we did last year, New Dems will advocate for smart policies to generate new ideas and create new opportunities for hardworking Americans. We’re excited for the work to come.”

The New Democrat Coalition is made up of nearly 100 members who are committed to breaking through the gridlock in Washington, D.C. to produce real solutions to real issues Americans are facing. To learn more about Congresswoman Torres’ Appropriations work, please click here.


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