Residents encouraged to comment on Bellevue’s draft water plan
WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 11, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — The City of Bellevue invites residents to an open house on Nov. 19 to give input on the Draft Water System Plan, which describes how the city plans to meet water needs for the next 20 years. The open house will be held from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 450 110th Ave. NE, in Room 1E-113.
Public comment is critical to ensure the plan recommendations and future decisions are consistent with community expectations. The public have several ways to comment on the plan including:
Attend the open house;
Speak during oral communications at the beginning or end of the Environmental Services Commission meeting, which starts at 6:30 p.m. right after the open house;
By email to Doug Lane, Utilities senior engineer at ; or
By mail to Doug Lane, Utilities Engineering, City Hall 5W, P.O. Box 90012, Bellevue, WA 98009-9012.
Open house attendees can learn about significant changes in how people use water over the years, how the city is forward-thinking about renewing our aging infrastructure, Bellevue’s legacy groundwater wells and what Bellevue is doing to protect water in case of an earthquake or water supply emergency.
The Draft Water System Plan is available online at Printed copies of the plan will also be available to check out for a limited time from the Service First desk at City Hall.
Contact Information
Utilities Department
450 110th Ave. NE
P.O. Box 90012
Bellevue, WA 98009
Contact: Michael May, Public Information Officer
Phone: 425-452-5215