WASHINGTON – (RealEstateRama) — The Alliance to Save Energy released the following statement from President Kateri Callahan regarding the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations bill report released Friday:
“This is an incredible demonstration of bipartisan support for energy efficiency programs and for the value they deliver to American consumers and businesses. We want to thank our supporters on the committee for standing firm behind energy efficiency investments even in the face of draconian cuts proposed by the administration and the House committee. We are ready to fight alongside our supporters to protect these programs and ultimately save consumers and businesses money through lower energy bills. We want to particularly thank our newest honorary board member, Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), as well as our honorary board chair, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), and other honorary board members Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) for their important roles in crafting the Appropriations Committee bill. Truly a testament to bipartisan work that benefits American businesses and consumers.”
The Senate Appropriations Committee bill, which the panel cleared with bipartisan support on Thursday, rejects the dramatic cuts for the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) called for in the administration’s budget and the House Appropriations Committee. The House bill, for example, would cut EERE by nearly 50 percent. In contrast, Senate report language released Friday shows small cuts to efficiency programs such as the Building Technologies Office, which develops efficiency standards for household appliances and helps local and state governments develop smart building efficiency codes; the Advanced Manufacturing Office, which works on cutting-edge technologies that boost U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing; and the Federal Energy Management Program, which saves taxpayers money through efficiency upgrades at federal facilities.
About the Alliance to Save Energy
Founded in 1977, the Alliance to Save Energy is the leading energy efficiency coalition in the nation – a nonprofit, bipartisan alliance of business, government, environmental and consumer leaders advocating for enhanced energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy. Our mission is to promote energy efficiency worldwide to achieve a healthier economy, a cleaner environment and energy security.
Ben Somberg
(202) 530-2223
Ben Evans
(202) 530-2222