Senate Banking Hearing on Bipartisan Solutions for Housing Finance Reform Tomorrow at 10AM
Washington, D.C. – March 18, 2013 – (RealEstateRama) — Former HUD Secretary and Senator Mel Martinez will testify before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs tomorrow at 10:00AM EST on behalf of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s (BPC) Housing Commission. The hearing will evaluate bipartisan solutions for housing finance reform.
Senator Martinez will outline recommendations on housing finance from BPC’s new report, Housing America’s Future: New Directions for National Policy. Last month, BPC proposed a new housing finance system that calls for a far greater role for the private sector, a continued but limited role for the federal government, the elimination of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, access to safe and affordable mortgages for all borrowers, and for the Federal Housing Administration to improve efficiency and avoid crowd-out of private capital.
Senator Martinez co-chairs BPC’s Housing Commission with former U.S. Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell, former Senator Christopher S. “Kit” Bond, and former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros.
Learn more about BPC’s Housing Commission here.
Former HUD Secretary and Senator Mel Martinez
Co-chair, BPC Housing Commission
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
Bipartisan Solutions for Housing Finance Reform
538 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Tuesday, March 19
10:00AM EST
Senator Martinez and other members of BPC’s Housing Commission are available to discuss recommendations from its report. Please contact Ashley Berrang at "> for more information.
Media Contact:
Ashley Berrang
(202) 637-1456