Monday, March 3, 2025


Cardin, Mikulski, Cummings, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes Announce $10 Million In Federal Funds For Major Transportation...

U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Barbara A. Mikulski together with Representatives Elijah E. Cummings, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger and John P. Sarbanes (all D-Md.) today announced $10,000,000 in federal funding for the Southeast Baltimore Port Industry Freight Corridor Plan, making critical transportation infrastructure improvements to the Broening Highway Corridor that will create jobs and enhance the economic security of the Port of Baltimore and surrounding business community. The project is expected to create more than 100 construction jobs and support the over 40,000 jobs related to commerce at the Port of Baltimore


U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) today joined Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald to announce $240,884 in renewal funding offered through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program to Way Station, Inc. in Frederick County to help address the needs of the chronically mentally ill homeless Veteran population.

Business Real Estate Press Releases


Wyoming REALTORS selects Form Simplicity as its transaction management benefit for...

Wyoming REALTORS has selected Form Simplicity, one of the real estate industry’s most trusted and widely used transaction management solutions owned by the Florida Realtors, as its sole transaction management system as a member benefit. Under this new multi-year agreement, all 2,482 members of Wyoming REALTORS receive full access to the Ultimate Edition of Form Simplicity

Recent Gov & Nonprofit Real Estate Press Releases


Wyoming REALTORS selects Form Simplicity as its transaction management benefit for...

Wyoming REALTORS has selected Form Simplicity, one of the real estate industry’s most trusted and widely used transaction management solutions owned by the Florida Realtors, as its sole transaction management system as a member benefit. Under this new multi-year agreement, all 2,482 members of Wyoming REALTORS receive full access to the Ultimate Edition of Form Simplicity