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Tags Posts tagged with "CFPB"


Stevens’ Statement on TRID Implementation Delay

Statement from MBA President & CEO David H. Stevens on news that the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau (CFPB) will propose an amendment to delay implementation of the new TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) regulation until October 1st

ALTA Announces 12-State TRID Tour Highlighting New Mortgage Disclosures

The American Land Title Association (ALTA), the national trade association of the land title insurance and real estate settlement services industries, announced today a 12-state tour aimed to educate homebuyers and real estate professionals about new mortgage closing disclosures that go into effect on August 1. The tour will begin in Texas on June 18 and end in Missouri on September 26

CFPB Takes First Steps Toward Greater Clarity on RESPA-TILA Integrated Disclosure Enforcement

The following is a statement from National Association of Realtors® President Chris Polychron, executive broker with 1st Choice Realty in Hot Springs, Ark., in response to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s announcement of “sensitivity” to companies making a good-faith effort to comply with the new Truth in Lending Act and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Integrated Disclosure regulation.

CFPB Allows Grace Period for New Rule Rollout

the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced that it will be “sensitive” to the good-faith efforts of lenders implementing the new Truth-In-Lending and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Integration Disclosure (TRID) regulations set to take effect on August 1.

CFPB Takes Action Against Mortgage Companies For Misrepresenting U.S. Government Affiliation

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 17, 2015 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is taking action against three mortgage companies for misleading consumers with advertisements implying U.S. government approval of their products. The CFPB is suing reverse mortgage lender All Financial Services, seeking to halt its illegal activities. The CFPB is also ordering Flagship Financial Group and American Preferred Lending to end their false advertising.