Getting to Zero National Forum kicks off with Architecture 2030’s Ed Mazria sharing vision...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 3, 2015 - (RealEstateRama) -- The 2015 Getting to Zero National Forum officially opened here today with keynote speaker Ed Mazria, founder and CEO of Architecture 2030, calling for building and energy industry professionals to make zero energy buildings a broad-scale reality in the next few decades.
New Buildings Institute announces launch of LEED Automation tool
WASHINGTON, D.C. - August 1, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- New Buildings Institute (NBI) today announced the official release of one of the first LEED Automation tools available to LEED project teams. The COMNET Energy Modeling Portal is an online platform used to collect energy modeling simulation results, perform quality assurance checks, and submit the results to LEED Online for Energy & Atmosphere Prerequisite 2 and Energy & Atmosphere Credit 1. It can be accessed at