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Tags Posts tagged with "Pennsylvania"


Fresenius Enola PA

The Boulder Group Arranges Sale of Net Leased Fresenius Medical Care Property

The Boulder Group, a net leased investment brokerage firm, has completed the sale of a single tenant net leased Fresenius Medical Care property located at 390 E Penn Drive in Enola, Pennsylvania for $1,930,000.
Arby's Restaurant Easton PA

The Boulder Group Arranges Sale of Net Lease Arby’s Restaurant Property

The Boulder Group, a net leased investment brokerage firm, has completed the sale of a single tenant net lease Arby’s Restaurant located at 3710 Easton Nazareth Highway in Easton, Pennsylvania for $1,700,000

USGBC Announces New Director in Central Pennsylvania

Today, the U.S. Green Building Council® (USGBC) announced the appointment of Heidi Kunka as the director of USGBC Central Pennsylvania. In this role, Kunka will work to advance USGBC’s mission to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated through localized engagement and outreach throughout the state.


Representatives Alma S. Adams (D-NC), Peter Welch (D-VT), Lou Barletta (R-PA), James P. McGovern (D-MA) along with 71 other Members of Congress sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell to urge for the swift release of Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding. Releasing the funding will allow families in need to access critical resources to heat their homes during cold winter months.

Introduction to Commercial Real Estate

WASHINGTON, D.C. - December 9, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Introduction to the types of commercial properties, the terminology used for each type of property and how each property is classified. This program includes an introduction to the basics of office, retail and shopping centers, industrial and warehouse, senior living, special purpose, hotels and hospitality property, multifamily development, farm and ranch and others

Recent Boulder Group Press Releases

The Boulder Group Arranges Sale of Single Tenant Net Leased Chicago...

The Boulder Group, a net leased investment brokerage firm, has completed the sale of a single tenant net leased CVS property located at 7929 North Ave in River Forest, Illinois for $6,770,000.

Recent Boulder Group in News


Commercial Real Estate Hall of Fame: The Boulder Group’s Randy Blankstein

Each year, Midwest Real Estate News elects a new class to its Midwest Commercial Real Estate Hall of Fame. Our 2018 class has just been announced, and copies of that issue have been sent.

Recent Boulder Group Events

Randy Blankstein

Randy Blankstein, President of The Boulder Group, to Chair Net Lease...

Randy Blankstein, President of the national net lease advisory firm The Boulder Group, will be the conference chair of the Midwest Real Estate News 2nd Annual Net Lease Summit Conference in Chicago on July 20th, 2016. Additionally