Saturday, March 8, 2025


Mid-South Coliseum and Fairgrounds Site Could be a Major Gathering Place for Memphis Residents...

The Mid-South Coliseum and Fairgrounds site has the potential to become a major gathering place for the residents of Memphis and the surrounding region, serving as an amenity offering recreation and entertainment spaces flexible enough to accommodate a variety of year-round uses, according to a newly published report from the Urban Land Institute (ULI)

Providing Leadership in Creating Thriving Communities Worldwide: Randall K. Rowe is the New Global...

Randall K. Rowe, Chairman of Green Courte Partners, LLC, a private equity real estate investment firm based in Chicago, has been named the new Global Chairman of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), a non-profit research and education institute with more than 35,000 members dedicated to leadership in real estate and land use and creating thriving communities worldwide. Rowe, a longtime ULI member, ULI Trustee and ULI Foundation Governor, will serve a two-year term that ends June 30, 2017.

Carrying on the Tradition of Giving Back: The Urban Land Institute Welcomes New Members...

The ULI Foundation Board of Directors provides leadership for the Foundation, which serves as the philanthropic source of funding for ULI through major gifts, endowment funds, and ULI Annual Fund contributions to support the Institute’s key programs, activities, and services.

ULI 2015 Global Awards for Excellence Finalists Announced

Twenty-two real estate developments have been selected as finalists in the 2015 Urban Land Institute (ULI) Global Awards for Excellence competition, widely recognized as one of the land use industry’s most prestigious award programs. This year’s finalists represent developments from around the globe, including six in Asia, five in Europe, and eleven in North America.

ULI to City of Norfolk: Becoming More Resilient Will Help Improve Economic Stability and...

By taking steps to strengthen its resilience to rising sea levels and other impacts of climate change, the City of Norfolk can also improve its economic stability and overall quality of life, according to a report issued by a panel of nationally renowned land use and urban planning experts convened by the Urban Land Institute (ULI)

The China Business Council for Sustainable Development Becomes Member of ULI Greenprint Center for...

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) Greenprint Center for Building Performance, a worldwide alliance of leading real estate owners, investors and financial institutions committed to improving the environmental performance of the global property industry, today announced that the China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) has become the latest institution to join the organization.

ULI to Offer Redevelopment Recommendations for Mid-South Coliseum and Fairgrounds Site in Memphis

A panel of nationally renowned land use and urban planning experts has been convened by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to make recommendations to the City of Memphis regarding the redevelopment and reuse of the Mid-South Coliseum and Fairgrounds site in the center of the city. ULI is a global, multidisciplinary research and education institute whose 35,000-plus members are dedicated to responsible land use and creating thriving communities around the world.

ULI Receives $170,000 Grant from the Colorado Health Foundation to Continue Support for Institute’s...

The Urban Land Institute (ULI), a global research and education institute dedicated to responsible land use and building resilient communities, has been awarded a $170,000 grant from the Colorado Health Foundation to continue its support for the Institute’s Building Healthy Places Initiative, which seeks to engage ULI’s global networks to shape projects and places that improve the health of people and communities worldwide

Houston’s NRG Astrodome “Can And Should Live On,” Says ULI Report

Houston’s iconic NRG Astrodome “can and should live on” as a multi-use park that will enhance the quality of life for residents of the city, serve as a popular tourist destination, and catalyze economic development that enhances the greater NRG Park and benefits the region as a whole, according to a report released today from the Urban Land Institute (ULI).

Property Investors Set to Benefit as Capital Flows From East to West Likely to...

The movement of capital from East to West is likely to remain the major influence on real estate markets in 2015, according to Global Emerging Trends in Real Estate® 2015, an annual forecast of global real estate investor sentiment, published jointly by PwC and the Urban Land Institute (ULI) today.

New ‘Bending the Cost Curve’ Report from ULI and Enterprise, Explores Solutions to Expand...

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 21, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Solutions to increase the supply of affordable rental housing are explored in a new report from the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Terwilliger Center for Housing and Enterprise Community Partners, Inc (Enterprise).

Livable Communities Coalition Members Find New Home as ULI Atlanta Council

ATLANTA - May 20, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- ULI Atlanta, an Urban Land Institute (ULI) district council, is enhancing its commitment to the development of livable communities through progressive transit-oriented development by establishing a council called the ULI Atlanta Livable Communities Council (Council). The Council will be assuming the mission of the Livable Communities Coalition (LCC), a nonprofit metro Atlanta advocacy group formed in 2005, to promote smart urban growth.

ULI Releases Governors Advisory Panel Report For the Redevelopment of Chicago’s Iconic Wilson Station

WASHINGTON, DC - January 10, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) Wilson Station in Uptown Chicago has tremendous potential for attracting developers and business investors, according to widely renowned land use experts from the Urban Land Institute (ULI). This week, ULI released the written report of the ULI Governors Advisory Panel it conducted in 2012

Real Estate Industry Needs Better Preparation for CEO Succession, Says New Report from Urban...

WASHINGTON, DC - August 1, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- A survey of senior executives at 235 major real estate firms in the U.S. shows that most believe the industry as a whole is ill-prepared for the chief executive officer (CEO) succession process, which could jeopardize a smooth transition of company leadership, according to a report released today by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and Russell Reynolds Associates.

New Urban Land Institute Survey, ULI Real Estate Consensus Forecast, Projects Improvements for the...

WASHINGTON, DC - March 28, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- A new Urban Land Institute survey of 38 leading real estate economists and analysts from across the United States projects broad improvements for the nation’s economy, real estate capital markets, real estate fundamentals and the housing industry through 2014. The findings, released today, mark the start of a semi-annual survey of economists, the ULI Real Estate Consensus Forecast, being conducted by the ULI Center for Capital Markets and Real Estate. The survey results show reason for optimism throughout much of the real estate industry. Over the next three years:

Urban Land Institute Receives National Building Museum’s Honor Award; Gala Keynoter Steve Case Predicts...

WASHINGTON, DC - March 16, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The business of real estate and community building will be permanently transformed by the evolution of the “sharing economy,” an era in which non-personal items such as cars and office space will be shared with increasing frequency by urban residents, according to internationally renowned communications technology entrepreneur and philanthropist Steve Case. The co-founder of America Online (AOL) was the keynote speaker last night at the National Building Museum’s Honor Award gala, which recognized ULI as the 2012 Honor Award recipient. The award recognizes ULI’s 75-year legacy of leadership in land use and innovative community building worldwide.

Urban Land Institute’s 2012 Fall Meeting Set for Denver; Nearly 7,000 Real Estate Industry...

WASHINGTON, DC - February 8, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Urban Land Institute (ULI), a global research and education institute dedicated to responsible land use and building thriving, sustainable communities, will mark the conclusion of its 75th anniversary and the start of its next 75 years at the institute’s 2012 Fall Meeting, set for Denver’s Colorado Convention Center October 15-18. The theme for the meeting, “What’s Next,” will explore short-term and long-term challenges and opportunities facing real estate and land use in the 21st century.

Houston’s Landmark Downtown Post Office Site Chosen for 2012 Urban Land Institute Gerald D....

WASHINGTON, DC - January 24, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Downtown Houston’s historic post office property has been selected as the site for the tenth annual Urban Land Institute (ULI) Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition. The ideas competition, open to graduate-level students, will provide multidisciplinary teams the opportunity to propose a long-term vision for creating a distinct identity for a new downtown Houston district.

The Urban Land Institute Joins Forces with the Greenprint Foundation To Create ULI Greenprint...

WASHINGTON, DC - January 19, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is enhancing its commitment to environmentally conscious development with the transfer of the activities and assets of the Greenprint Foundation into the newly formed ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance. With this action, ULI is continuing the operation of a unique industry-to-industry initiative through which leading real estate professionals exchange information and measure individual building and portfolio performance on the basis of energy use and carbon emissions.

Urban Land Institute’s 2012 Real Estate Summit at the Spring Council Forum To Be...

WASHINGTON, DC - January 10, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Urban Land Institute (ULI), a global research and education institute dedicated to responsible land use, is continuing a year-long recognition of its 75th anniversary with the institute’s 2012 Real Estate Summit at the Spring Council Forum, set for May 8-10 at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C. With the theme “The Power to Lead, the Energy to Thrive,” the event will focus on building sustainable communities through development that conserves land and energy. The benefits of strong public-private partnerships – an area in which Charlotte has excelled -- will also be showcased. The meeting will feature presentations from nationally renowned energy, land use and financial industry leaders.